Commissions | Collaborations

Commissioned films
ebaix | Kosovo | Indonesia | Sri Lanka 
The organisation ebaix is making evaluations in Kosovo, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Honduras & Nicaragua of house-building-programmes from humanitarian organisations like the Swiss Red Cross and Caritas. I was operating the camera and edited several short films, which are used for internal learning.

INTERDANS 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2017
Trailer for INTERDANS 2017 | Made as commission for

For several years I worked for Bonny Orbit on several videos for Interdans. The festival is held in Belgium, in the cities Gent, Antwerp and Lebbeke, and gives the opportunity to 6 to 8 young, beginning choreographers to show their new creations. One of the goals of Interdans is to promote contemporary dance.  

Gaffer | Trailer for experimental film by Gabriel Studerus, 2013, 8 Min.

Who is to blame for the Costa Concordia disaster? Anonymous entries in a blog are the starting point of a heated debate on blame and responsibility. It is an armchair case law that ends in chaos and emotional upheaval, universal issues become more important than the actual accident. ➜ more infos

ALLES FÜR NIK Cinematography and Sound | Trailer for documentary by Timon Rupp, 2012, 60 Min.

Synopsis german

Nik Zeindler, 51, Familienvater und Berufsschullehrer aus Münsingen (BE) startet am Race Across America, dem härtesten Radrennen der Welt. Mit seinen rund 5'000 km und 50'000 Höhenmeter, die innerhalb von maximal 12 Tagen auf einer vorgegebenen Route durchquert werden müssen, verlangt dieses Rennen dem Rennfahrer alles ab. 
Pausen teilt sich jeder selber ein, im Rennen gegen die Zeit schlafen die meisten - wenn überhaupt - nur einige wenige Stunden pro Nacht. more infos